Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Monday, May 29, 2006


Housewives favourite Robert performing The Jam hit "Down in the tube station at midnight" on Saturday night.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Bully Beef

And I don't even get a colour! .....................

Biffa Bacon

There. Happy now? Bullies.

Thursday, May 25, 2006


Alright bud? Wha?

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Holding back the years ..

(L-R) Tom, NB, Myself, Molorkus (cheshire cat grin) and front centre the legendary Micky Sul
Archival Snap courtesy of the Swedish National archives


Spock sporting his Five o'clock shadow

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Shiner Expects

Shiner firmly nails his colours to the mast for the upcoming World Cup Posted by Picasa

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Fancy Football

I've created a new fantasy football League of Darkness for the World Cup.

Go here to create you team, and then join the league using the code 63601-13434. It's the same setup as for the Premiership one we had, except it's the England-based players for the World Cup.

Pass it on.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Big Wave

Last night I dreamt that I was drinking with Billy, Spock and Buffer in a pub (that doesn't exist) beside Padraic's Place. The dream was in real-time and lasted all night. We drank many pints.

Instead of the docks outside there was Salthill beach and whenever a big wave came along we'd have to stand up on our chairs, so we wouldn't get wet footeens.

Then a big wave knocked Buffer over. The rest of us had a "coffee with Irish".

The pub stayed home 'till 5 o'clock at which time we went home and I woke up.

I'm not sure what it all means. I think the water represents drink and the drink represents drink and the big wave represents drink and... oh yeah; and I forgot to buy my round.


Friday, May 12, 2006

Artist's Palette

The idea behind all the pretty colours is to make it easier to see whose post is whose.

I'll do some more work on it at the weekend. Apologies that this post wasn't in poem form.. could it be considered free verse?

Days like these ...

The day today :

rock about an hour late into work (was at a late meeting last night so get away with this)

lunch at 12 o'clock ... someone's going away thing .. a slab of ribbs, 2 pints of guniness and a glass of wine later (3 o'clock at this stage) wander back into work .. 4.45 pm .. grab a beer from the fridge .. it all starts here ... with the FA cup in the middle of saturday night to be watched it promises to be a long weekend ..

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The king is dead long live the king !!!!!

Gazzetta will surely be a visionary forum by turns critical, analytical and humourous ..

Monday, May 8, 2006


Guess who just figured out how to blogtola


I for one welcome our new Gazzettarian overlords.